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Video Conferencing was once always deemed to be used by the upper echelons of business like Financial Market Trading companies with the "Gordon Gekko's" monologuing to their employees.

The reality nowadays is that video conferencing is almost a standard form of communication. If you mention video conferencing to a student the first word from their mouth would be Skype.

Skype, recently bought by Microsoft, is used the globe over, but, is inherently insecure, as in, a hacker of any note could easily monitor the traffic between two locations using Skype.

Current business level video conferencing uses H.323 as a transmission protocol and is encrypted to the level required by U.S. security.

Sir Philip Green's recent publication regarding the governments use of hotel rooms for meetings in London, some 100,000 rooms booked in 2010, has sparked the obvious question as to how to reduce these costs and VC is at the top!

It is true that boardroom level VC can be expensive, but, the return on investment soon overtakes the initial expenditure. That said the entire system could be leased.

Take a look at the other options we offer to see how video conferencing could be used in your business and see how much time and money you save by not travelling to your business meetings, but, by switching on your video conferencing screen!


The most unique offering in the market today!

A simple product enabling you to conduct a secure video conference at the drop of a hat!

This is a PC based solution allowing up to 10 participants at any one time from literally anywhere in the world where there is an internet connection.

Call us on the sales number above and ask for PAYG VC!


With the increase in home bandwidth it will not be long before home video conferencing will be a standard option. Also, with the increase in bandwidth this will allow companies to have more home workers and thus save on transport costs to and from the office, not to mention the time wasted spent sitting just outside London Bridge Station!

For the home office there are many options, depending on whether it is just the video conferencing that is required or if the sharing of documents and pictures is required. Systems are available that allow you to have a phone book and simply click to dial your colleague or from the same unit you can join a global video conference.

If you have the bandwidth and simply require the ability to video phone your family then again there are many options from which 4Productions can help you decide.

Talk to 4Productions about your requirements and a demonstration of the solution that best fits.